Monday 24 October 2011

About Sunflower Seeds and Kernels

Sunflower seeds are an American original. Called either confection or non-oil, seeds are a delicious and nutritious snack or addition to your favorite food.It is a native species to North America and was used by American Indians for an important, high-energy food source. Spanish explorers carried it with them to Europe. Russian agronomists were responsible for the first agricultural hybrids. These returned to the United States with Russian and German immigrants.Sunflower began as an important agronomic crop in the U.S. in the 1950's, starting in North Dakota and Minnesota.
Seeds, kernel, what is the difference?
The answer, there isn't a difference. Here is how the NSA refers to sunflower seeds/kernel:In-shell means the seed is left intact with the "meat" of the seed still in the shell. It is normally roasted and seasoned. It is eaten as a snack by cracking the shell with one's teeth, discarding the hull and eating the delicious morsel within. 'Chew and spit' is a great American pastime, especially at baseball games and other outdoor events.

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